Monday 1 October 2012

The Bookroom...

'First Editions, Out of print, Collectables and Paperbacks', says the sign outside the door in a tucked away alley.
'Old- books', says the worn A-board.

The windows are small, and crammed with local fliers; 'Scunthorpe Male Voice Choir', 'River-boat trips down the Yar' and 'Brownies Table Top Sale'. You have to peer in the window to see the titles.

The Bookroom is hardly a shop clamouring for attention during the economic melt-down. The shop telephone doesn't even take messages. There are no up to date lists of stock, nor does it have any internet. It opens at 10.30 ( -ish ) and closes at 4.30 ( prompt. )

Yet invariably as I put the key in the door, switch on the lights and flick on 'Classic FM' there is someone waiting to come in. Even before I haul out the old A-board, fill the dog's water-bowl and the kettle, hoping to have time to pop out and buy a croissant to have with my morning coffee, there are people browsing. And so it is all day, every day come rain, shine, winter or summer. Such is the enduring allure of a Book.

Dearest Emily,

I rather suspect that as you grow, you will enjoy reading books.

I've seen your eager little face watching the pages turn, and you point at something you recognise, your lovely smile light up with pleasure.

Books are magical; they inspire and they teach. A book can lead you into another world- a place the brain can wander, relaxed and alert, guided by the text. Each new book has the potential for a rich personal journey taken by its reader in collaboration with the writer, culminating in a unique personal, yet shared experience.

Once finished, a book can leave an indelible mark, one that can be accessed from a purely personal point of view- for all of your life.

Whether you read on a Kindle, or pick up a book- or most likely a combination of the two- delight in its pages. The wealth of legacy that the writer throughout history has offered you by time dedicated to his pen. His wisdom, his imagination, his desire to tell you all about it offers you a glimpse into his imagination, and allows yours to take the story on...

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